1. Read
2. Spelling - page 79
3. LA
-Groundhog Day - complete 3 pages [colouring] - Due: Friday
-Over due work: Chinese Zodiac (Ethan, Tessa); New Year's Project (Isaac, Tessa, Tanner)
4. Music - practise songs 72-76; books & instruments for Friday
5. Library
6. Swim - p-form & $
7. PAC - Gift Cards for Winter Carnival
Battle of the Books Meeting
- Jacob, Matthew, Jonathan -
12:20 pm in Ms. Scott's room tomorrow
3 Stars!!!
1. Matthew
2. Kieran
3. Jonathan
4. Nick
5. Hannah
6. Justin
7. Isaac
Have a great couple of days. See you on Friday! Ms. P.
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Monday, 30 January 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
1. Read
2. Spelling - Unit 15 - page & Agenda
3. Music - practise songs
4. FRIENDS - page 38 - Activity 3A - Exploring Ways to Cope - due: Friday
5. PE
6. Swim - $ & P-Form- asap
7. Carnival - G/C
FSA Testing
Grade 4's have started the Foundation Skills Tests. Students will participate in testing each day this week. There will be some interruption in regular programming.
3 Stars!!!
1. Lauren
2. Ellie
3. Michael
4. Logan
Have a great night. See you tomorrow! Ms. P.
1. Read
2. Spelling - Unit 15 - page & Agenda
3. Music - practise songs
4. FRIENDS - page 38 - Activity 3A - Exploring Ways to Cope - due: Friday
5. PE
6. Swim - $ & P-Form- asap
7. Carnival - G/C
Winter Carnival - Gift Baskets
Winter Carnival is only 4 weeks away! Our class has signed up for the GIFT CARD TREE, which includes gift cards to popular destinations (Chapters, Aberdeen Mall, Michael's, Blockbusters, Tim Horton's, Walmart, Cineplex, etc.) or donations and the PAC will buy cards for you. Thank you for your contributions. These baskets are a HUGE PART of the Winter Carnival's success!FSA Testing
Grade 4's have started the Foundation Skills Tests. Students will participate in testing each day this week. There will be some interruption in regular programming.
3 Stars!!!
1. Lauren
2. Ellie
3. Michael
4. Logan
Have a great night. See you tomorrow! Ms. P.
Friday, 27 January 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
1. Read
2. LA - complete Zodiac and New Years projects - LATE!!!
3. Music - practice - instruments & books for Monday
4. Swim - p-forms - back asap
5. Valentine's Class List - participation by choice
Students will participate in Foundation Skills Tests throughout the week. The first test will be on Monday morning. Your child's results will be reported to you, but ARE NOT used in classroom student assessment and reporting.
3 Stars!!!
1. Sadie
2. Jacob
3. Jonathan
Have an excellent weekend. See you on Monday! Ms. P.
1. Read
2. LA - complete Zodiac and New Years projects - LATE!!!
3. Music - practice - instruments & books for Monday
4. Swim - p-forms - back asap
5. Valentine's Class List - participation by choice
Congratulations to Sadie, Jacob, and Jonathan for OUTSTANDING participation in the Canspell Spelling Bee! Each of you had phenomenal success. Keep studying...we hope to see you up there next year!
Thank You!
Thank you to everyone in the class for such a wonderful lunch! We appreciate all families for supporting this outing, and would like to extend thanks to the following families for driving and joining us at lunch: Ty, Elise, Logan, Sadie, Carson, Kaya, Jenna, Kieran, Michael, Jacob, Daniel, Jonathan, Tanner, and Austin! Thanks to Mrs. Zahir for join us as well! I had a great time. Gung Hay, Fat Choy!FSA TESTING
Students will participate in Foundation Skills Tests throughout the week. The first test will be on Monday morning. Your child's results will be reported to you, but ARE NOT used in classroom student assessment and reporting.
3 Stars!!!
1. Sadie
2. Jacob
3. Jonathan
Have an excellent weekend. See you on Monday! Ms. P.
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Read for 20 minutes
Music- Practice your music- bring instruments!
Read for 20 minutes
Music- Practice your music- bring instruments!
Tomorrow is the Chinese New Year's Lunch - Drivers meet in class at 10:45am- ALL families welcome!!!
Have a great lunch tomorrow grade 4's!
Canspell- Spelling Bee tomorrow- 8:45am in the Gymnasium. Good luck Jacob, Jonathan, and Sadie!!
3 Stars!!! (+1!!)
1) Ty
2) Tanner
3) Lauren
4) Austin
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Read for 20 minutes
PE- gymstrip tomorrow
Spelling- Post-test tomorrow
Thank you to all of the parents (Mom's of: Sadie, Justin, Michael, Jonathan, and Daniel) who drove us today to the Big Little Science Centre. We had a wonderful, albeit surprising field trip!!
3 Stars!!!
1) Elise
2) Michael
3) Nick
4) Jonathan
Happy Birthday Andrew!!! - Thanks for the delicious cupcakes!!!
Read for 20 minutes
PE- gymstrip tomorrow
Spelling- Post-test tomorrow
Thank you to all of the parents (Mom's of: Sadie, Justin, Michael, Jonathan, and Daniel) who drove us today to the Big Little Science Centre. We had a wonderful, albeit surprising field trip!!
3 Stars!!!
1) Elise
2) Michael
3) Nick
4) Jonathan
Happy Birthday Andrew!!! - Thanks for the delicious cupcakes!!!
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
1. Read
2. Spelling - complete all work; Quiz Friday
3. LA - Chinese Zodiak; New Years Work - LATE!!! Complete by: Friday
4. Music - Practise songs; instruments & books for Friday
5. Science - Extreme Weather Sheets
6. Library
7. Pizza - Last Day for Orders - in before 9:00 am
1. Tomorrow!! - Big / Little Science Center Field Trip
2. Friday - Chinese New Year's Lunch - Drivers meet in class at 10:45 am
ALL families are welcome to join us. Thank you to the following families for volunteering to drive: Elise, Logan, Carson, Kaya, Jenna, Kieran, Jonathan, Tanner, Austin, and Sadie.
3 Stars!!!
1. Jenna
2. Haley
3. Nick
Have a great night. See you on Friday! Gung Hay, Fat Choy!! Ms. P.
1. Read
2. Spelling - complete all work; Quiz Friday
3. LA - Chinese Zodiak; New Years Work - LATE!!! Complete by: Friday
4. Music - Practise songs; instruments & books for Friday
5. Science - Extreme Weather Sheets
6. Library
7. Pizza - Last Day for Orders - in before 9:00 am
Thank you to our parent drivers. We appreciate your support!1. Tomorrow!! - Big / Little Science Center Field Trip
2. Friday - Chinese New Year's Lunch - Drivers meet in class at 10:45 am
ALL families are welcome to join us. Thank you to the following families for volunteering to drive: Elise, Logan, Carson, Kaya, Jenna, Kieran, Jonathan, Tanner, Austin, and Sadie.
Canspell Bee
Friday - 8:45 am - Gymnasium. Good luck to all participants!
Happy Birthday!
Happy 10th Birthday to Andrew! Enjoy your celebration tomorrow!3 Stars!!!
1. Jenna
2. Haley
3. Nick
Have a great night. See you on Friday! Gung Hay, Fat Choy!! Ms. P.
Monday, 23 January 2012
1. Read
2. Spelling - Unit 14 - Superlatives - 'er & est' suffixes; page 72 & Agenda; Quiz Thursday: Bonus words: easier & easiest
3. LA - Complete: Chinese Zodiac; New Year's Day Project
4. Music - practise songs; instruments & books for Friday
5. PE
6. Pizza - Orders & Money by Wednesday
I - Does Not Meet class criteria - re-do assignment
3 - Fully Meets class criteria
4 - Outstanding - Beyond Class Criteria
3 Stars!!!
Have a great night! See you tomorrow. Ms. P.
1. Read
2. Spelling - Unit 14 - Superlatives - 'er & est' suffixes; page 72 & Agenda; Quiz Thursday: Bonus words: easier & easiest
3. LA - Complete: Chinese Zodiac; New Year's Day Project
4. Music - practise songs; instruments & books for Friday
5. PE
6. Pizza - Orders & Money by Wednesday
New Year's Day Project
Grading Criteria: complete work, colouring, cutting, gluing I - Does Not Meet class criteria - re-do assignment
3 - Fully Meets class criteria
4 - Outstanding - Beyond Class Criteria
Chinese New Years Luncheon!
Gung Hay, Fat Choy! Thank you to our families for supporting our New Year's Luncheon at the Beijing Restaurant this coming Friday at 11:00 am. We plan to be back at the school at about 12:00 pm. We ask that parent drivers join us in the classroom at 10:45 am for car groupings. Please join us if you can! All parents are welcome. The cost of lunch for adults is $10 (+ taxes and tip).
Canspell Spelling Bee
This Friday is our oral spelling bee. The contest starts at 8:45 am in the gym, going until we have a successful candidate. We look forward to seeing our team members Sadie, Jacob, and Jonathan complete. Good luck! We will be rooting for you!3 Stars!!!
Have a great night! See you tomorrow. Ms. P.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Read for 20 minutes
Music: Practice and bring in your instruments
Science: Finish your Extreme Weather sheet
Socials: Complete your Copper Inuit sheet
Spelling Bee- test tomorrow!!!
Remember that we are going to the Big Little Science Center next Wednesday. We could still use another driver if anyone is able to come. We are leaving the school at 9:00.
** Bring in I Survived: Titanic**
3 Stars!!!
1) Elise
2) Logan
3) Andrew
Read for 20 minutes
Music: Practice and bring in your instruments
Science: Finish your Extreme Weather sheet
Socials: Complete your Copper Inuit sheet
Spelling Bee- test tomorrow!!!
Remember that we are going to the Big Little Science Center next Wednesday. We could still use another driver if anyone is able to come. We are leaving the school at 9:00.
** Bring in I Survived: Titanic**
3 Stars!!!
1) Elise
2) Logan
3) Andrew
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Read for at least 20 minutes!
PE- Gymstrip for tomorrow
Spelling- Study your list words
** We still need another 1 or 2 parent drivers for our trip to the Big Little Science Centre. Please let us know if you are able to drive next Wednesday morning. **
3) Matthew
4) Blair
Read for at least 20 minutes!
PE- Gymstrip for tomorrow
Spelling- Study your list words
3 Stars!
1) Tanner
2) Jacob3) Matthew
4) Blair
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
1. Read
2. Spelling - complete pages 69-70; Quiz: Thursday
3. Math - complete work for 3.4; Review Multiplication tables
4. Music - practice; instruments & books for Friday
5. Library
6. P-Forms - asap, please!
Winter Wear
Thank you to all students for coming prepared. Don't forget to leave indoor shoes at school.
Blazer Visit
Today students shared time with the Blazers. We appreciate them coming to McGowan for a visit! Topics that the Blazers discussed with us were: Role Models and Long and Short Term Goals. Please ask you child about these topics.
Superflex - Health & Career Education
Students have been learning skills in how to be a more flexible thinker, which allows a person to better control his or her brain and change how he or she thinks. Superflex helps students think about how to act and behave to keep others and him/herself feeling good. This program helps students to become better problem-solvers by thinking of different solutions to each problem. Recently, our focus is on the 'Unthinkables', traits that prevent us from being our best selves. Student have been asked to reflect on the 14 Unthinkables, identifying those traits that they think prevent them from being their best. Please ask your child which trait they have identified as being the trait that they might wish to become more aware of.
Rock Brain: make people get stuck in ideasGlassman: make people over react
DOF (Destroyer of Fun) - make people overly competative
Mean Jean - get people to act bossy/mean
Space Invader - get people to invade other's space
One-Sided-Sid - make people talk only about themselves
Wasfunnyonce - get people to use humour at the wrong time/place/with wrong person
Brain Eater - distract people
Body Snatcher - move people's body's from group
Energy Hare-y - give people too much energy
Topic Twistermeister - make people jump off topic
Worry Wall - make people worry too much
Un-Wonderer - don't like people to socially wonder about others
Grumpy Grumpaniny - put people in grumpy moods
Thank You!
Thank you to Jonathan and his mother for supporting our Chinese New Year lunch. We appreciate the time you spent in helping to organize this celebration. Thanks for making our day a success!
3 Stars!!!
1. Jonathan
2. Haley
3. Carson
Thanks for a great couple of days! See you on Friday. Ms. P.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
1. Read
2. Spelling - Unit 13 - Suffixes (endings) - page 68 & Agenda; Quiz: Thursday
3. LA - Crows Reading/Writing - review work/make changes for TUESDAY; show parents
4. Math - 3.4 - complete work; practise multiplication tables 6 & 7 x tables
5. Music - practise songs: instruments & books for Friday
6. FRIENDS - Chapter 4 - pg 25 Activity 1 - Happiness Creations; Chapter 3 - pg. 1 Home Activity 3
7. PE
8. Big / Little Science Centre - p forms; asap
Mrs. Kossey's Corner:
This Friday, all students will participate in the written component of the Canspell spelling bee. Top contenders in grades 4-7 will be selected to continue through to the oral portion of the spelling bee if they choose. The spelling bee takes place on Friday, January 27th in the gym, starting at 8:45. Any students wishing to practice or find out more information can go online to Canspell.
1. Kieran
2. Ethan
3. Jonathan
4. Austin
5. Kaya
Have a great night! See you tomorrow. Ms. P.
1. Read
2. Spelling - Unit 13 - Suffixes (endings) - page 68 & Agenda; Quiz: Thursday
3. LA - Crows Reading/Writing - review work/make changes for TUESDAY; show parents
4. Math - 3.4 - complete work; practise multiplication tables 6 & 7 x tables
5. Music - practise songs: instruments & books for Friday
6. FRIENDS - Chapter 4 - pg 25 Activity 1 - Happiness Creations; Chapter 3 - pg. 1 Home Activity 3
7. PE
8. Big / Little Science Centre - p forms; asap
Mrs. Kossey's Corner:
Late Assignments!!!
Science: Finish "Winter Weather in Kamloops" sheet
- Bring in news articles on "extreme weather" around the province, country, &/or world.
- Bring in news articles on "extreme weather" around the province, country, &/or world.
Socials: "Settlers to City Lights" sheet- overdue
This Friday, all students will participate in the written component of the Canspell spelling bee. Top contenders in grades 4-7 will be selected to continue through to the oral portion of the spelling bee if they choose. The spelling bee takes place on Friday, January 27th in the gym, starting at 8:45. Any students wishing to practice or find out more information can go online to Canspell.
Thank You!
Today, Mr. McVittie, our District Math Coordinator, spent time in our class. We appreciated his time and teaching. We learned about Pascal's Triangle and Probability and Statistics through a game called, Skunk. Ask your child to tell you about their experience. Thanks, Mr. McVittie!Stars!!!
1. Kieran
2. Ethan
3. Jonathan
4. Austin
5. Kaya
Have a great night! See you tomorrow. Ms. P.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Friday the 13th!
1. Read
2. Spelling - post test score
3. Music - practice songs 43, 63-67; instruments & books for Monday
4. LA - Crows Reading/Writing - review work/make changes for TUESDAY; show parents
5. Big Little Science Center - permission forms - asap
6. FSA - informational envelope for families
7. Pizza Lunch - Monday - if you ordered!
Mrs. Kossey's Corner:
1. Justin
2. Nick
3. Hannah
4. Tessa
5. Matthew
Have a great weekend! See you on Monday. Ms. P.
1. Read
2. Spelling - post test score
3. Music - practice songs 43, 63-67; instruments & books for Monday
4. LA - Crows Reading/Writing - review work/make changes for TUESDAY; show parents
5. Big Little Science Center - permission forms - asap
6. FSA - informational envelope for families
7. Pizza Lunch - Monday - if you ordered!
Mrs. Kossey's Corner:
Late Assignments!!!
Science: Finish "Winter Weather in Kamloops" sheet
- Bring in news articles on "extreme weather" around the province, country, &/or world.
- Bring in news articles on "extreme weather" around the province, country, &/or world.
Socials: "Settlers to City Lights" sheet- overdue
1. Justin
2. Nick
3. Hannah
4. Tessa
5. Matthew
Have a great weekend! See you on Monday. Ms. P.
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
3 Stars!!!
1) Carson
2) Sadie
3) Daniel
Read for 20 minutes
Spelling Bee- Practice words!
Chinese New Year's Luncheon -forms & money
Music tomorrow- practice/bring your instruments.
Late Assignments!!!
Science: Finish "Winter Weather in Kamloops" sheet
- Bring in news articles on "extreme weather" around the province, country, &/or world.
- Bring in news articles on "extreme weather" around the province, country, &/or world.
Socials: "Settlers to City Lights" sheet- overdue
3 Stars!!!
1) Carson
2) Sadie
3) Daniel
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Read for 20 minutes (Science booklet??!!)
Science: Finish "Winter Weather in Kamloops" sheet
- Bring in news articles on "extreme weather" around the province, country, &/or world.
Spelling: Test tomorrow
PE- Gym strip for tomorrow
Chinese New Year's Luncheon -forms & money
3 Stars!!!
1) Tanner
2) Kaya
3) Elise
Read for 20 minutes (Science booklet??!!)
Science: Finish "Winter Weather in Kamloops" sheet
- Bring in news articles on "extreme weather" around the province, country, &/or world.
Socials: "Settlers to City Lights" sheet- overdue
Writing: Finish rough copies of, "The Most Interesting Person I Ever Met" sheetSpelling: Test tomorrow
PE- Gym strip for tomorrow
Chinese New Year's Luncheon -forms & money
3 Stars!!!
1) Tanner
2) Kaya
3) Elise
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
1. Read
2. Spelling - complete pages 65-66 (no dictation); review - Quiz Thursday
3. LA - Review Crows writing; make corrections, Due: Friday
4. Math - 3.2 - complete work - Due: Friday
5. Music - practice; Instruments & Books - Friday
6. Library
7. Pizza Orders - last day!!
8. Chinese New Year's Luncheon - p-forms & $ asap! Thanks!
Score Keeping Opportunity
Students interested in keeping score for after school games should see Ms. O. asap!
3 Stars!!!
1. Blair
2. Jacob
3. Tanner
Have a great couple of days. See you on Friday! Ms. P.
1. Read
2. Spelling - complete pages 65-66 (no dictation); review - Quiz Thursday
3. LA - Review Crows writing; make corrections, Due: Friday
4. Math - 3.2 - complete work - Due: Friday
5. Music - practice; Instruments & Books - Friday
6. Library
7. Pizza Orders - last day!!
8. Chinese New Year's Luncheon - p-forms & $ asap! Thanks!
Chinese New Year Luncheon
Thank you to all families for you support of our Chinese New Year celebration. We have enough drivers to transport students. Please join us if you're available. This will be a wonderful lunch!Score Keeping Opportunity
Students interested in keeping score for after school games should see Ms. O. asap!
Art Club
There are only 2 more weeks for Intermediate Art Club. Thanks to all students for attending, at to Mrs. Abraham for her great ideas!3 Stars!!!
1. Blair
2. Jacob
3. Tanner
Have a great couple of days. See you on Friday! Ms. P.
Monday, 9 January 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
1. Read
2. Spelling - Unit 12 - Compound Words - page 64 & Agenda, review words
3. Math - Complete 3.1 worksheets; Do Chapter 2 Review page - return tomorrow
4. Music - Practise songs 64-69; Review Tempo Marking; Do: Special Violin Exercises - page 19 (Theory)
5. PE -
6. Pizza $ - Due Wednesday
7. Chinese New Year - P-Form & $ - asap
1. Justin
2. Sadie
3. Michael
4. Daniel
5. Isaac
Super Stars!!!
1. Jenna
2. Ellie
3. Lauren
Have a great night! Ms. P.
1. Read
2. Spelling - Unit 12 - Compound Words - page 64 & Agenda, review words
3. Math - Complete 3.1 worksheets; Do Chapter 2 Review page - return tomorrow
4. Music - Practise songs 64-69; Review Tempo Marking; Do: Special Violin Exercises - page 19 (Theory)
5. PE -
6. Pizza $ - Due Wednesday
7. Chinese New Year - P-Form & $ - asap
Battle of the Books
Today students were offered the opportunity to participate in Battle of the Books. We hope that all students consider participating!
Young Author's
Students are able to participate in the Young Author's program this year. Please encourage your child to consider submitting a recent original entry. The dead line is the end of this month.Stars!!!
1. Justin
2. Sadie
3. Michael
4. Daniel
5. Isaac
Super Stars!!!
1. Jenna
2. Ellie
3. Lauren
Have a great night! Ms. P.
Friday, 6 January 2012
Friday, January 6, 2012
1. Read
2. Math - review 6 & 7 x tables; Chapter 1 - Patterns in Mathematics - Due: Monday
3. Music - theory - fill in top of pg 14 - practise songs: plucking - pg 14 #40 & 42; bowing - pg 19 #62 & 65 Instruments & Books for Monday
4. FSA - information for parents & students
5. Field Trip - permission form
6. Pizza $ - due Wednesday, Jan. 11
Chinese New Year Luncheon - Gung hay, fat choy!
As part of our Cultural Celebrations unit, the Grade 4 class will go to the Beijing Restaurant on Friday, January 27th to celebrate Chinese New Year. We will require parent drivers. If you are able to help out, please indicate so on the permission form. Parents are most welcome to join us for lunch. The cost of the buffet for adults is $10 (+ taxes), paid at the restaurant. We will leave the school at 10:45, arriving back at the school around 12:00 pm.
1. Haley
2. Jacob
3. Daniel
Have a great weekend. See you on Monday. Ms. P.
1. Read
2. Math - review 6 & 7 x tables; Chapter 1 - Patterns in Mathematics - Due: Monday
3. Music - theory - fill in top of pg 14 - practise songs: plucking - pg 14 #40 & 42; bowing - pg 19 #62 & 65 Instruments & Books for Monday
4. FSA - information for parents & students
5. Field Trip - permission form
6. Pizza $ - due Wednesday, Jan. 11
Chinese New Year Luncheon - Gung hay, fat choy!
As part of our Cultural Celebrations unit, the Grade 4 class will go to the Beijing Restaurant on Friday, January 27th to celebrate Chinese New Year. We will require parent drivers. If you are able to help out, please indicate so on the permission form. Parents are most welcome to join us for lunch. The cost of the buffet for adults is $10 (+ taxes), paid at the restaurant. We will leave the school at 10:45, arriving back at the school around 12:00 pm.
1. Haley
2. Jacob
3. Daniel
Have a great weekend. See you on Monday. Ms. P.
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Thursday, January, 2012
Thanks for a great week back Grade 4's!! Everyone was on task and working hard!!
3 Stars!!!
- Read for 20 minutes
- Music: Bring your instruments and PRACTICE!!!
- LA - Mudshark novel & questions at school for FRIDAY; New Year's Report - Goal Setting - ideas for Friday for Personal, Home, School, & Environmental Goal
- Math - drills - practice 6 & 7 x tables; Review On-line questions/process
Thanks for a great week back Grade 4's!! Everyone was on task and working hard!!
3 Stars!!!
1) Hannah
2) Tessa
3) AndrewWednesday, 4 January 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Read for 20 minutes!
Spelling Post Test tomorrow- study your words
Gym tomorrow- remember to bring your gymstrip if it is not kept at school
3 Stars!
1) Nick
2) Ty
3) Justin
4) Jacob
5) Kieran
6) Jonathan
Read for 20 minutes!
Spelling Post Test tomorrow- study your words
Gym tomorrow- remember to bring your gymstrip if it is not kept at school
3 Stars!
1) Nick
2) Ty
3) Justin
4) Jacob
5) Kieran
6) Jonathan
Tuesday, 3 January 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Welcome back. It is wonderful to be back and see everyone. I am looking forward to a great 2012 with you.
1. Read - 20 minutes, supported by an adult
2. Spelling - Unit 11 - Contractions - pages 60-61-62; review (RCRC study skill) - quiz Thursday
3. LA - Mudshark novel & questions at school for FRIDAY; New Year's Report - Goal Setting - ideas for Friday for Personal, Home, School, & Environmental Goals
4. Math - drills - practice 6 & 7 x tables; Review On-line questions/process
5. Music - practice songs; instruments/books for FRIDAY
6. Library - renew/return books
7. January Newsletter - received by all students
1. Justin
2. Elise
3. Logan
4. Sadie
5. Ethan
6. Michael
7. Ellie
8. Isaac
9. Nick
Have a great couple of days. See you on Friday! Ms. P.
Agenda Legend
Red - all students' work
Blue - some students - work completion
1. Read - 20 minutes, supported by an adult
2. Spelling - Unit 11 - Contractions - pages 60-61-62; review (RCRC study skill) - quiz Thursday
3. LA - Mudshark novel & questions at school for FRIDAY; New Year's Report - Goal Setting - ideas for Friday for Personal, Home, School, & Environmental Goals
4. Math - drills - practice 6 & 7 x tables; Review On-line questions/process
5. Music - practice songs; instruments/books for FRIDAY
6. Library - renew/return books
7. January Newsletter - received by all students
1. Justin
2. Elise
3. Logan
4. Sadie
5. Ethan
6. Michael
7. Ellie
8. Isaac
9. Nick
Have a great couple of days. See you on Friday! Ms. P.
Agenda Legend
Red - all students' work
Blue - some students - work completion
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