Read - 20 minutes (10 aloud to an adult)
Spelling - Unit 23 - complete page 112 & Agenda; Quiz - Thursday
Math - complete 6.5 work; practise multiplication drills 0-9 x
Writing - Expository Paragraph - bring in any materials for poster board
MUSICAL - Lyrics: A Spot of Tea and Finale Song - start to memorize parts
Costumes: Medieval Theme - Knights of the 'Rad' Table & Damsels
Girls - Princess Style' Dresses / skirts,crowns
Boys - Knight - armour, 'play' spears, swords, crowns
Props - spears, swords, crowns, tea sets (tea pot, tea cups -plastic preferred)
label all items with your name in a discreet spot that will not show during our performance.
- VIOLINS - instruments & books for
memorize songs for Friday
There Ain't No Bugs on Me
There ain’t no bugs on me, there ain’t no bugs on me.
There may be bugs on some of you mugs
But there ain’t no bugs on me.
Juney Bug comes in the month of June, Lightning Bug in May,
Bed Bug comes any ol’ time but he ain’t gonna stay.
Squito he flies high, squito he flies low,
If old mosquito lands on me he ain’t gonna fly no more.
Bull frog sittin’ on a lily pad, lookin’ up at the sky,
Lily pad broke and the frog fell in, got water in his eye-ball.
Peanut sittin’ on a railroad track, his heart was all a-flutter,
Along came a train down the track, Toot Toot, peanut butter.
We had a cat down on the farm, it had a ball of yarn,
And when the baby kittens were born they all had sweaters on.
We had a goat down on the farm, it ate up old tin cans,
And when the baby goats were born they came in Ford sedans.
A doctor fell into a well and broke his collar bone.
I think that he should tend the sick and leave the well alone.
A farmer slipped on the old barn roof when the rotten boards gave way
And as he fell he shrugged and said “It’s time to hit the hay.”
Little bugs have little-er bugs, sitting on their backs to bite ‘em.
Little-er bugs have littler-er bugs and so ad infinitum.
Have a great night. See everyone tomorrow!