1. Read
Thank You!
Thank you to all families for supporting our friendship fruit salad in honor of Taymin's last day with us. We wish Taymin well in her new school. We will miss you but know that you are going to love your new school!
SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS: due Tuesday (don't forget to redeem any coupons!!)
Pizza: TOMORROW for those who ordered
Today students saw the Bird Brain production at the Pavillion Theatre. This work was co-produced by Western Canada Theatre Company and the TRU Drama Department. Students who may be interested acting, musical, and production classes should check out the Stage One Summer Theatre School.
For more information on Stage One Summer Theatre School check out the web site: wctlivwe.ca
Eureka! - www. tru.ca/eureka
TRU Sports Camps - www.tru.ca/sportcamp (250.852.7135)
Math Groups:
We love
our Math Moms!!! We hope to see all leaders next week for our VERY LAST Math Group of the year!! We hope all leaders can come!
Have a great night.