1. Read
2. Learning Log - please read, sign and return, asap.
3. Gymnastics - Monday - please wear active wear
(no buttons, zippers, hoodies; tie hair back, wear medic alert)
Happy 8th birthday to Avalon tomorrow. We hope that you have a wonderful day and year filled with wonderful opportunities.
Thank you to Mrs. Meredith, Mr. Vorpahl, and Miss Becky who lead math groups today. Students worked on skills of Place Value, Time, and Tangrams (as part of our Chinese New Year study). Thank you for choosing to spend part of your day with us. We appreciate you!!
- Thank you for all donations for our theme of games and toys. Any contributions are most welcome!
- Volunteers still needed for Winter Carnival - please see newsletter for contact information.
Feb. 8 - No School - Family Day
Feb. 9 - Assembly - 8:45 am - All welcome
Feb. 12 - Kits & Kaboodles - Arts Presentation: NO MATH GROUPS
Feb. 15 - Gymnastics #5
Feb. 17 - Speed Control - Presentation
Feb. 18 - Winter Carnival
Feb. 19 - No School - PD Day
Feb. 22 - Gymnastics #6
Feb. 25 - Early Dismissal - Grade 2 Open House
Feb. 26 - Skating - Mac Park: NHL Rink - 1:00-2:00 pm
Feb. 12 - Kits & Kaboodles - Arts Presentation: NO MATH GROUPS
Feb. 15 - Gymnastics #5
Feb. 17 - Speed Control - Presentation
Feb. 18 - Winter Carnival
Feb. 19 - No School - PD Day
Feb. 22 - Gymnastics #6
Feb. 25 - Early Dismissal - Grade 2 Open House
Feb. 26 - Skating - Mac Park: NHL Rink - 1:00-2:00 pm
Have a great weekend.