Happy Leap Day!
1. Read
2. Spelling - Unit 18 - Quiz: Thursday
2. Spelling - Unit 18 - Quiz: Thursday
3. Learning Log - 5, 6, 14, 21, 24 please sign & return, asap. Thank you!!
Thank you to Mrs. Murray
for leading students in a Saint Patrick's Day activity today. This activity focused on using folding paper to create a project using skills of symmetry and fractions. We so appreciate Mrs. Murray's time and
energy. Thank you for choosing to spend the morning with us! :-)
PAC PIE SALE - newsletter and information; delivery March 17th
PAC PIE SALE - newsletter and information; delivery March 17th
All forms returned by: THURS., MARCH 3RD - even if NOT fund raising. Thank you!
*Make cheques payable to the Heart and Stroke Foundation.
March Reminders
March 4 - Jump Rope for Heart - Gym
March 4 - Skating - Mac Park NHL Rink - 1:00-2:00 pm
March 14 - Assembly - 8:45 am - All welcome!
March 18 - Reports Home
March 21-Spring Break
Have a great week!