2. Soil Layers Quiz - returned
SCHOLASTIC ORDERS: Due: Tuesday, May 3
Thank you to our marvellous math leaders for assisting students with a special project today. We value your time, energy and leadership. These projects are impossible without your support. Many thanks to Miss Becky, Mrs. Kronebush, Mrs. Meredith, and Mr. Vorpahl for choosing to spend the morning with group. We appreciate you!
On Monday, May 30th, our class with Mrs. McCaughtery's class are off to O'Keefe Ranch, which is located just outside of Vernon. We will be travelling by school bus. We will leave the school right at 8:30 am and leave the ranch around 1:00 pm.
Students are asked to dress as they did for the Spring Production (1800's period). Students are asked to bring a lunch with easy to eat foods and extra drinks. There is a candy store on sight. If you wish to send a toonie with your child, they will have an opportunity to shop. :-)
On, Monday June 6, our class will and Mrs. McCugherty's classes are off to Smiling Pond, (near McQueen Lac on Lac du Bois Road, [Bachelor Heights]). Our classes will be travelling by school bus. We will be leaving the school right at 8:30 am and leaving the site around 1:00 pm.
Students are asked to dress in layers, wear a hat, as well as wear runners with socks as we will be hiking. Students are requested to come to school with both sunscreen and bug spray on, as the site is know to have many mosquitoes :-(. Please send an easy to eat lunch with extra drinks [water] with low packaging, as we must take everything from the site that we bring in. Backpacks should be light as your child will be required to carry their own pack throughout the trip.
It is tick season, so please check for ticks when your child gets home.
Parent Helpers are need. Please let me know if you are interested in volunteering.
May 3 - Project Soul - Art Starts
May 6 - Assembly - 8:45 am
May 8 - Mother's Day
May 13 - Early Dismissal - 12:30 pm
May 16 - No School - PD Day
May 17 - Jellyfish Project - Art Starts
May 19 - Class Photo Day
May 23 - No School - Victoria Day Long Weekend
May 27 - Tapco - Art Starts
May 30 - O'Keefe Ranch - Field Trip - Bus departs 8:30 am
June 6 - Smiling Pond - Field Trip - Bus Departs 8:30 am
Have a good weekend!