1. Read
2. Spelling - Quiz:
3. Family Tree Project - Due: Jan 10
- Celebration: Jan 27 (sorry for the error!!)
Hot Dog Orders - Due: Tomorrow, Jan. 10 for Friday, Jan. 13
WINTER CARNIVAL - Jan 10 - volunteer meeting in library 6:30pm for
CARNIVAL on: Thursday, February 23
Many thanks to our fabulous Math Mothers
Mrs. Gallup, Mrs. Piva, Mrs Nessman and Mrs. Simpson who started off our year leading students in money activities. Students
worked on learning the name and value of coins. We worked on
learning different combinations of coins to make values up to and including $1. Please help us support your child's understanding of money by asking them to work with real money whenever possible at home.
Gymnastics - JAN. 9th:
NEXT Monday is our first gymnastics session. Students are required to wear
active wear (no buttons, zippers, or hoodies), have
bare feet, as well as have
longer hair back (low ponytail or braid). Students should
not wear any
jewelry. Students with known medical conditions requiring an alert bracelet or chain are the exception.
We request that all students bring lunch with water. Students eat at
the regular time. We clean up our class and pack for the end of the day
leaving backpacks ready for our regular pick up. Students board the
bus at 12:30 arriving at the TCC-KGTC for our 1:00-2:00 pm sessions.
Parents are welcome to watch from the observation deck. We request that
all students remain with the group (go and return on the school bus),
unless prior arrangements have been made with me. Thank you for helping
ensure the safety of our kids!!
1. Jan 16, 23, 30 & Feb 6, 23, 27 - Gymnastics
2. Jan 20 - No School
3. Jan 27 - Family Tree Luncheon Celebration :-) & assembly presentation
4. Feb 23 - Early Dismissal 12:30 pm
5. Feb 23 - Winter Carnival
6. Feb 24 - Pro D Day - No School
Have great week!