Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Read: 20 minutes
Art: Line design- Finish at home if not complete
Socials: Complete your map of Canada
Spelling: Study your words - test tomorrow!
              - complete 57 & 58
Gym: Don't forget your gymstrip for tomorrow 

* Please remember that Friday is an early dismissal day.

3 Stars:
1) Jenna
2) Haley
3) Jonathan

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

1. Read - 20 minutes, summarizing main ideas
2. Spelling - complete 57 & 58 (no dictation), Quiz Thursday
3. Music - practise songs; instruments and books for NEXT FRIDAY!
4. Library

4 (3) Stars!!!
1. Kaya
2. Jenna
3. Michael
4. Hannah

Have a GREAT Wednesday & Thursday.  Ms. P

Monday, 28 November 2011

Monday, November 28, 2011

1. Read
2. Spelling - Unit 10 - Schwa sounds (blends of consonants to make 1 sound) & sounds of  short u, spelled with 'o'; page 56 & Agenda (Bonus word - colour - Canadian spelling)
3. Music - songs up to #33 & up to #55 (bowing)

December Birthdays!!
Our class celebrates 2 birthdays on December 4th!  Happy 9th birthday to Jenna & Michael.  We hope you both have great celebrations!  Enjoy your extra LONG weekend!

Upcoming Events
1. Friday, December 2 - 12:30 pm Early Dismissal; Parent Teacher Meetings - please see Ms. Pawliuk or Mrs. Kossey if you'd like to discuss your child's performance 
2. Monday, December 5 - No School -  Professional Development Day
3. Tuesday, December 6 - Skating - Mac Park - bus leaves 9:30, arriving at 11:30
4. Thursday, December 15 - 1:00 pm - Strings Performance - all welcome!

3 Stars!!!
1. Hannah
2. Tanner
3. Tessa

Have a great night. Ms. P.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Friday, November 25, 2011

1. Read - 20 minutes
2. Spelling - post test mark
3. Math - 2 multiplication drills due Monday (time given in class on Tuesday)
4. Music - practise songs bowing up to #55: non-bowling up to #33: Instruments & Books for Monday  

Upcoming Events
1. Friday, December 2 - 12:30 pm Early Dismissal; Parent Teacher Meetings - please see Ms. Pawliuk or Mrs. Kossey if you'd like to discuss your child's performance 
2. Monday, December 5 - No School -  Professional Development Day
3. Tuesday, December 6 - Skating - Mac Park - bus leaves 9:30, arriving at 11:30
4. Thursday, December 15 - 1:00 pm - Strings Performance - all welcome!

A Message for Ellie...
Ellie, there is NO FRIENDS homework.  Enjoy your weekend!

5 (3) Stars!!!
1. Justin
2. Kieran
3. Ellie
4. Jacob
5. Matthew

Have a great weekend.  See you Monday! Ms. P.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Thursday, November, 2011

Read for 20 minutes
Math: Chapter 4 test signed and returned.
Music: Bring in your instruments 
Science: Weather information sheet!  ***Late!!!***
Library: Return your overdue books if you have any.

3 Stars: 
1) Carson

2) Blair
3) Logan
4) Kieran

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

1. Read - 20 minutes (with an adult) summarize main ideas
2. Spelling - pages 53-54 (no dictation), Quiz Thursday
3. LA - Sarah Plain and Tall - Quiz returned
4. Math - 2 Drills of 50 questions each (Goal:  86% accuracy or better!) 0-7 x tables;, print results - Due: Monday, Nov. 28
5. Library - many overdue books; please renew/return; please look for books Andrew and Hannah (just in case!)
6. Music - practise songs; bowing (up/down symbols), note names: Instruments and books for Friday 
7. FRIENDS - return books (#3,13, 19, 21, 22)

Thank You!
Thank you to Kieran and Isaac for organizing our shoes and boots.  We appreciate you keeping our hallways clear and safe!

6 (3)  Stars!!! !!!
1. Michael
2. Ethan
3. Haley
4. Jonathan
5. Isaac
6. Lauren

Have a great couple of days.  See you on Friday! Ms. P.

Homework Legend
Red - all students work
Blue - some students; work completion

Ms. Pawliuk - Monday, Tuesday, and Fridays
Mrs. Kossey - Wednesday and Thursdays

Monday, 21 November 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

1. Read - 20 minutes, summarizing key ideas
2. Spelling - Unit 9 - Calendar & Time words - Page 52 & Agenda; Quiz Thursday
3. Music - practise songs:  bowing technique
4. PE
5. FRIENDS -  Activity 2A & 2B (pages 14-15) & Session 3 (page 19) Draw your body and how your body tells you it is feeling nervous, bring books to class tomorrow!

Welcome Nick!
Today, Nick joined the grade 4 class.  We hope that your family will enjoy Kamloops.  Welcome to McGowan Park Elementary!

3 Stars!!!
1. Nick -Thanks for jumping right into our class routines!
2. Kieran
3. Carson

Homework Legend
Red - all students work/review
Blue - some students - work completion

Teacher Schedules
Ms. Pawliuk - Monday, Tuesday, and Fridays
Mrs. Kossey - Wednesday & Thursdays

Friday, 18 November 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

1. Read - 20 minutes
2. Spelling - test result
3. Math - your choice: Six 0-7x Drills - Due: Monday ( or Drill Book); oral drills/flash cards are also acceptable!  Please record progress /25.  Thanks!
4. Music - practise songs46-49 with bow & 27-31 no bow; instruments & books for Monday; please trim nails!!

Thank You!
  • Thank you to Ellie and Jenna for organizing our Winter Computer Schedule. We appreciate your time.
  • Thank you to Hannah and Tessa for your continued organization, setting up the Music room for strings each Monday and Friday.  Super job!
3 (5) Stars!!!
  1. Tessa
  2. Hannah
  3. Jenna
  4. Ellie
  5.  Matthew

Have a great weekend!  Enjoy the snow! Ms. P

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Read for 20 minutes
Writing: Finish good copy of your Free Verse poem
Music: Bring instrument
Science- Weather information sheet- overdue
            - Bring back your Science test signed

Enjoy the rest of your week grade 4's.  

3 Stars:
1) Jacob
2) Kaya
3) Andrew
4) Lauren

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Read for 20 minutes
Science- Get your Science test signed & returned
            * Late Weather sheets
Math- Chapter 4 test tomorrow
         * Test Yourself sheet
         * Topics include Bar graphs, Pictographs, Venn Diagrams, and Carroll Diagrams
Spelling - Post test Unit 8 tomorrow
Gym- remember your gym strip for tomorrow

3 Stars:
1) Logan
2) Elise
3) Jonathan

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

1. Read - 20 minutes; summarize key events
2. Spelling - complete pages 49-50 (no dictation); Review - Quiz Thursday
3. Math - Drill Work - Your Choice - Six 0-7 x Drills - due Next Monday
4. Music - Practice; Books & Instruments- Friday
5. Library

Grade 4 Opportunity - ART CLUB
Art club starts next week for intermediates.  Mrs. Abraham will have students join her on Thursdays during lunch (12:25-12:55) to create various art projects.  Did you sign up?  If you missed today's meeting, please see Mrs. Abraham asap. 

  • Thank you to ALL for coming prepared!  We had a great time.  
  • Thank you to Sadie, Tanner, and Blair for bringing skate for classmates!
  • We appreciated all of our family members who joined us today.  We are already looking forward to our next session on Tuesday, December 6th when we skate from 10:00-11:00 at Mac Park Arena.  Mark your calendars if you wish to join us!     
3 Stars!!!  Wow!!!!
1. Haley
2. Hannah
3. Blair
4. Jacob
5. Jonathan

Have a great week.  See you on Friday!  Ms. P.

Homework Legend
Red - Work assigned to ALL students
Blue - Work assigned to SOME students - work completion

Classroom Schedule: 
Ms. Pawliuk - Monday, Tuesday, and Fridays
Mrs. Kossey - Wednesday & Thursday

Monday, 14 November 2011

Monday,November 14, 2011

1. Read - 20 minutes
2. Spelling - Unit 8  - Double Consonants - Page 48 & Agenda, review for quiz
3. Math - Multiplication Drills - your choice - practise book or [print results] (6 drills 0-7x tables) Due: Monday, Nov. 21
4. Music - practise songs; bowing technique; NEWSLETTER
5. PE - strip
6. Skating - come prepared: helmet, skates, clothing; labelled hockey gear

Bus leaves McGowan - 9:30 am & returns around 11:30 am.  We look forward to  having a great morning.  Join us if you're available at McArthur Island Arena!
Can You Help?  If you have hockey skates in the following sizes, we would appreciate your support: 
2 pairs size 4

3 Stars!!!
1. Elise
2. Tanner
3. Kieran
4. Andrew

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

No School tomorrow!!
Read - 20 minutes
Math: -Chapter 4 review, pg. 137, #1-3
          -Chapter 4 quiz next Thursday 
Science: Continue filling out your "Finding Weather Information" sheet- due Wednesday
              Chapter 1 test on Wednesday.  There will be a study block before the test.
Math - multiplication drills (6) due Monday
Music - practice songs; books & instruments Monday
Sarah Plain and Tall - Quiz on Monday Chapters 1-5

3 Stars!!! (4 today!!)
1) Hannah
2) Logan
3) Tanner
4) Ellie
5) Jenna

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

  • Read for 20 minutes
  • Spelling: Test tomorrow
  • Science: Student's have until next Wednesday to complete their "Finding Weather Information sheet".  Students must complete at least 4 of the 5 sections.  Fill out as much information for each section as possible.  
Possible online weather sites to use are:

  • Bring gym strip
  • Please bring in your skating permission forms: Elise, Michael, Tanner, Ellie, & Andrew
3 Stars:
1) Blair
2) Austin
3) Ty

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

1. Read - 20 minutes - summarize main ideas
2. Spelling - complete pages 45 & 46 (no dictation); Quiz Thursday
3. Math - multiplication drills (6) due Monday
4. Music - practise songs; books & instruments Monday
5. Library
6. Skating - permission form - return asap (Thursday!!)
7. Sarah Plain and Tall - Quiz on Monday Chapters 1-5

We are taking the bus for both of our skate trips.  We welcome parents to come and skate with us.   We ask that parents drive, as seating is limited on the bus.
  • School District Policy requires that ALL STUDENTS WEAR HELMETS.
  • Please check to see if your child's skates fit.  If not, let us know so we can find skates.
  • Hockey players are asked to bring basic gear that is labelled (gloves, sticks) as all games are 'friendly'.
We look forward to a fun morning together!

Check it Out!  Math Web Site for Practise & Review
Student Center --> Try it Out --> Chapter 1 Patterns in Mathematics --> Lessons 1 - 2 - 3

If you have not completed Chapter 1, Lesson 1, please print results and hand in to Ms. P.  

3 Stars!!!
1.  Kieran
2.  Lauren
3.  Andrew

Have a great week.  Enjoy your weekend.  I'll see you on Monday! Ms. P.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

1. Read - 20 minutes - summarizing
2. Spelling - Unit 7 - Sounds of 'U' - page 44 & agenda; review RCRC
3. LA - all work Chapters 1-5 completed by tomorrow; review day; Quiz next Monday
4. Math - multiplication drill book - due Next Monday
5. Music - practise songs up to 24; EXTRA practise as we miss a class; instruments & books for NEXT Monday
6. PE - strip

Remembrance Assembly - Thursday; all welcome
Friday - No School - Remebrance Day observed
Winter Weather - indoor footwear; outdoor clothing (jackets/hats/mitts)
Skating - Tuesday, November 15, 9:30-11:30 - students going by bus; parents welcome to skate with us!

3 Stars!!!
1. Ethan
2. Daniel
3. Tessa

Have a great night!  See you tomorrow.  Ms. P.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Friday, November 4,2011

1. Read - 20 minutes nightly, summarizing main/key events
2. Spelling - test score
3. LA - title pages - complete (late!!); Halloween packages
4. Math - multiplication drill books - complete 6 drills by Mon., Nov. 14
5. Music - practise songs up to#22: try up to #26  - remember the 'tunneling' from the D string to the A string; additional practise required by many students; trim nails!!; instruments & books for Monday

3 Stars!!!
1. Jenna!!!
2. Sadie!!!
3. Hannah!!!

Have a great weekend.  See you Monday.  Ms. P.

Homework Legend
Red - all students work
Blue - some students (work completion)

Ms. Pawliuk = Monday, Tuesday, and Fridays & Mrs. Kossey = Wednesday and Thursdays

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Thursday, November 3, 2011

  • Read for 20 minutes nightly
  • Bring your instruments for music tomorrow
  • Math: - multiplication facts 0-3 & 4-6 (25 questions each with 86% accuracy or better); please print results; hand in to Ms.P. homework by Friday morning
  • LA - title pages ... late!!; 
  •  Halloween work package - due Friday
  • FRIENDS - medicine bags (complete sewing) Ellie, Kaya, Kieran, Hannah, Logan 

3 Stars
1) Justin
2) Elllie
3) Austin

3 Stars from yesterday
1) Jacob
2) Kaya
3) Ty

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

1. Read - 20 minutes with an adult - summarize main ideas/details
2. Spelling - pages 41-42 (no dictation); study Quiz Thursday
3. LA - title pages ... late!!; Halloween work package - due Friday
4. Math - - multiplication facts 0-3 & 4-6 (25 questions each with 86% accuracy or better); please print results; hand in to Ms.P. homework by Friday morning
5. Music - practise; quizzes continue Friday; books & instruments for Friday
6. Library
7. FRIENDS - medicine bags (complete sewing) Ellie, Kaya, Kieran, Hannah, Logan
8. Newsletter

3 Stars!!!
1. Kieran
2. Michael
3. Hannnah

See you Friday.  Ms. P.

Homework Legend
Red - all students
Blue - some students (complete work)