Friday, 18 November 2011

Friday, November 18, 2011

1. Read - 20 minutes
2. Spelling - test result
3. Math - your choice: Six 0-7x Drills - Due: Monday ( or Drill Book); oral drills/flash cards are also acceptable!  Please record progress /25.  Thanks!
4. Music - practise songs46-49 with bow & 27-31 no bow; instruments & books for Monday; please trim nails!!

Thank You!
  • Thank you to Ellie and Jenna for organizing our Winter Computer Schedule. We appreciate your time.
  • Thank you to Hannah and Tessa for your continued organization, setting up the Music room for strings each Monday and Friday.  Super job!
3 (5) Stars!!!
  1. Tessa
  2. Hannah
  3. Jenna
  4. Ellie
  5.  Matthew

Have a great weekend!  Enjoy the snow! Ms. P

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