Thursday, 15 December 2011

Friday, December 13, 2011

1. Read - Mudshark novel - prepare for literature circles first week back using guide questions
2. Math - Practise math facts at least 5 times over the holidays 0-7x tables; 25 questions each
3. Music - practise at least 5 times over the holidays - have some fun
4. PE - strip for 1st day back

Mudshark, Gary Paulsen
Please read the entire book over the holidays.  Be prepared to talk about the main ideas of the story.  Below are questions to help you!  Don’t worry about writing down long sentence answers, but if you think you might forget, take a few notes (4 words or less for each answer).
 Literature Circle Discussion Questions
1.       Who is the main Character?  What is his name/nickname?
2.       Describe what Mudshark looks like (appearance).
3.       How old is Mudshark? 
4.       What is his special talent?  How did he acquire this talent?
5.       What does Mudshark do all the time? 
6.       What do the other students start for Mudshark?
7.       Why are the principal’s PA announcements so unusual?
8.       Where does Mudshark like to hang out?
9.       What pets did the school have?
10.   Which pet do you think is most interesting?  Why?
11.   Who or what takes Mudshark’s place as lead detective?
12.   How does Mudshark feel about competing to be the best detective?
13.   Why is Mudshark called to the principal’s office?  Do you think Mrs. Hall would ever call a student down to help her solve a problem?  Why or why not?
14.   How do Mudshark’s twin sisters help him to understand or solve the problem that has been happening at school?
15.   What clue helps Mudshark discover what might be ‘the problem’?
16.   How does Mudshark solve the problem?
17.   If you were to ‘cast’ one of our classmates as Mudshark, who would you choose and why?
18.   Did you enjoy this story?  Why or why not? 
19.   Make up your own interesting question for your group’s Literature Circle. 

Class Social - Thanks!
Thank you to Andrew, Austin, and Blair for brining in treats for our class sing-along / social.  Everyone enjoyed your festive treats!

26 stars today!  Thanks everyone, for a great 2011!

Happy Holidays!  I will look forward to seeing you all in 2012! Ms. P. ho ho ho

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