Thursday, 18 December 2014

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Naughty or nice list?  You choose!

 Home Work:
1.  Read - aloud to someone - 10 minutes
2.  Learning Logs - return asap - Liam
3.  Report Cards - envelopes, asap.  Ayanna, Liam, Emily, Keelan

Skating at McArthur Island - TOMORROW - 1-2:00 pm; parents welcome! 
We will eat lunch early at 11:45 as we leave on the bus at 12:30.  I will ask students to clean out lockers and prepare for the end of the day BEFORE leaving for skating.  When you pick your child up at the end of the day, please check their locker again, just in case an item was placed back into their locker.  Thanks for your support!
- pack your skates in a bag
- wear a helmet (hockey, snowboarding/skiing, or bike helmet)
- wear their snow pants and have gloves as well
-hockey = face masks, neck guards, hockey gloves, and sticks
Please make sure to label all items.  

Locker Clean Out
- everything BUT INDOOR SHOES home 
Thank you to parents for helping in this clean up!

Only 1 school days until Winter Break!  Have a great night!

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